Friday, July 27, 2012

Checking In...

Okay, it's been a bit.

Basically, the heat wave that I had though had broken ramped up to hotter, but less humid over the past week. The outdoors felt like being in a blast furnace. That's no place for a sweater vest. Yesterday wasn't so bad, but I woke up so late I didn't have time for much else than a t-shirt and shorts. Sue me...

The weather forecast states that the heat has broken for about the five days or so, and I will take advantage of this to go back to the "uniform" I prefer to present to customers while at the store.

Things at the store are progressing slowly. I am finding my way back to actually doing stuff again after taking a mental break. I think it is because I do see a break on the horizon and am sort of (guiltily) looking forward to it that I am getting back into the idea of doing work. Work-wise, I had kind of shut down, just needing a mental break from things. It's hard to do that when I have employees who want to work on projects they feel need to be done, but I am not ready for that stage of work to happen yet. They chomp at the bit, and in doing so unknowingly antagonize me, the person who is actually trying to feel like SOMETHING is getting cleared off of the plate before we add another helping on. Eventually, there's too much proverbial food on the table and I finally go "I'm full" and step away from "eating" altogether for a bit.

It's not the best defensive mechanism. It's moody, uncommunicative, and generally leaves people wondering "WTF, mate"? It is however, the only defensive mechanism I have that does not involve me either...

A) ...screaming incoherently at people who don't deserve it...


B) ...randomly wandering the countryside killing hookers with a spoon...

Jus' sayin'...

-- GopherDave