Another day, another day looking at the bright, glowing day star...
Tonight is Casual MtG and DC Adventures. Don't get me wrong, I like Casual MtG, but I love superhero RPGs, and the DC game that
KnightErrantJR is currently running is one of the best games that I have ever been in. The present situation if the group is pretty much enough to make my favorite cynical telekinetic (Marathon) pull out his hair. That is, if he gets to live long enough to do so...
Now, if we can manage to live through/get out of our current situation, Marathon has a LOT on his mind. Things like...
- The state and welfare of his ex-wife and daughter. Based on some recent findings, There's a good chance these two people think that Marathon/Wesley Tolliver is dead. This does not sit well with him...
- How to help mold the current group into more of a "family". Right now, all we have is each other, and our various situations and agendas are going to eat us from within if we don't take steps to prevent it. Steps like trusting each other...
- Why the hell did Necromancer shoot Black Adam (of all beings) in the face?
- What the hell did Black Adam mean with his cryptic remarks about the reckoning? He knows something more than he has said thus far, and that thought has got Marathon curious...
- How is Marathon/anyone going to get through Myrmidon's head to adjust his very black/white, one/zero, right/wrong thinking into something that can at least work with a group of people and not endanger them every other time Myrmidon opens his mouth?
- Figuring out how to make Amanda Waller disappear, and not get things traced back to him...
Right now, Marathon is a wanna-be Batman-like detective with a different power/skill set. Unlike Batman, Marathon is not trying to figure out how to take out every other member of the group ("just in case"), but rather finding out information to get inside each member's head in order to bring us closer together.
In a lot of ways, Marathon is, as Necromancer has called him on one occasion, a dick. However, Marathon has no problems being that dick, if that gives everybody else a common thread to bond over and unite them.
-- GopherDave