See..? Still doing it... Can't wait for trained employees, though. Working on that one... |
Okay... this is the day for one of the major changes to the store. After today, if all goes well, one half of the front area will be covered in slatwall panels, and the all the old, cheap-looking, ankle-biting shelving will be in the storage unit awaiting convention use...
The store already looks different with the additional case and register stand. It feels different. I'm not entirely certain I like it yet. The changes are not complete yet, so it may grow on me. Mostly, I attribute my unease to the fact that I typically hate change.
Speaking of change, we finally have all the parts for the new point-of-sale system in our possession. Just drifting through the program... ummm, wowwwwww... this thing is great! Sure wish I knew what I was doing with it all... The manual is 500+ pages, but it's Microsoft, so the book is full of white space and unnecessary "helpful tips" sections. Broken down, it's probably closer to a 260-page book of actual, useful reference. On cursory glance, it looks like we will have issues doing some of the things that our current point-of-sale does easily, but I'm pretty certain I'm just not finding everything in the new software yet.
In comparison, the current POS software is like a nice, local grocery store. It has most of what you want, easily found due to its small size, and what it doesn't have can be made up for using substitutes and workarounds. The new POS software is like walking into the largest supermarket on the planet. It's got EVERY EXACT ITEM YOU COULD EVER WISH FOR... you just have to go find it... ...and on your shopping cart is a map of the store, with general sections labeled, but no other specifics, so you have to brave the expanse to find what you are looking for...
It's a big store... and it won't let me bring my shopping list (former inventory) with me... This will not be ready by the end of the weekend. Hell, it may not be ready by the end of the month.
We'll see how it goes...