Wednesday, February 01, 2012

I'm A Bit Tired, But We're *ALMOST* There...

HiSign and I worked from 11PM to 5AM last night/this morning trying to get everything up and running with the new point of sale system. It works, but it's a physical mess, with wires everywhere in a space that's way too small for it. We'll be working on that part in the next couple of days.

As it goes, we're behind on it enough to alter our hours today to not be open until 3PM today. Loquacious tried to get me to sleep more by turning off my alarm before she left, but my 40+ year-old bodily functions woke me up right on time. Nice try, though, sweetness... =)

Now, I am getting ready to go in and try to finish what we started. Hopefully I can get the orders done, some more receipt tape purchased, the rest of the front stock entered, and everybody's tabs and credit moved over before open. Otherwise, I'm a bit tired and cranky and I might snap at someone without meaning too, and that's no good...

So, I'm off to be productive on three hours of sleep. Wish me luck...

-- GopherDave

1 comment:

  1. Well...if it helps you get to phase 87, then...viya con dios.
    ...luck won't stave off exhaustion...
