Monday, November 04, 2013

Falling Off The Radar...

Looking at the blog, it has been about three weeks since I last posted. A number of things happened in that time with games, life, and stuff in general, but probably the most significant thing that happened was that I kind of took a mental vacation from the bulk of life. Most (not all) of my gaming obligations got met, and I did most (not all) of what was needed to keep the store going in regard to behind the scenes work.

Last night, I caught up on some financials, as well as a small bit of backlog in terms of physical work that the store needed done, and when it was all done with, I came to a conclusion that had been staring me at the face for a bit, but that I hadn't wanted to face. As much as I have enjoyed my break, I can no longer be an absentee owner if I expect my business to survive, let alone thrive. There are too many things going on in the local scene, and deep down, I knew this already.

So, after six to eight weeks of not really being here, it is past time for DonGopher to come back and herd the Mafia back into fighting shape. Honestly, he (read: I) should have never left when he did. At the time where guidance and direction were needed most, I stepped away. Now my family and my store need me desperately to be "theMan" once again, and I know that it will take at least twice as long to put it all back together again, so it is the time to step back up or step aside...

Anyone who knows me knows that I rarely step aside... and this is not one of those times...

-- GopherDave

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