Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58 of 362

So far, so good... Doing a percentage check of my progress, I am 16.02209% of the way to completing my new year's resolution. I understand that each day doesn't add much to the progress, but it IS progress.

As for the store, I have a few things that require my attention. The first is financials for the week to see where we are standing money-wise. The second is the event calendar for March has to be finished. That will be tricky as there are Saturdays where folks want to do stuff, but I have to leave at least a couple open to progress on the store improvement issue. I love business and its conundrums sometimes...

Game-wise, we have a Rogue Trader campaign and some Monsterpocalypse going on in the afternoon and board games and a new RPG (Jumpers) in the evening. Nothing that really requires my attention.

Until later... GopherDave

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