Wednesday, September 07, 2016

One Day at a Time...

Things are proceeding as well as can be expected. Plans are in place for the slow (re-)improvement of the store to bring it back to where it once was, and then take it a little beyond. It will all take time, effort, and a bit more money, but if we put the first two in, the third will come.

I have a game I am supposed to start next week, but I have nothing ready yet. I have a genre (superheroes), but no system. I also have some restrictions in what systems I can use to make things work for everyone. Player experience varies, and I don't have the prep time for a crunchy system like HERO or M&M. I'll work something out here shortly, though. I always do. =P

I already have some ideas on how I want the world to be. Now I just have to get them on paper. ;)

(I'll be over here laughing at myself for that last statement...)

-- GopherDave


  1. I take it you have a full crew already. What day/night are you running?

  2. Currently a full crew... Off-site (non-store) on every other Tuesday. Not sure how long this one will last, as this group has a tendency to go off on tangents for an hour (or more) at a time, and I no konger have time for that. I'm hoping that doesn't happen, because I truly like the make-up and members of the group...

    I'll keep you posted...

  3. That's cool. Just jonesing for some Superhero action.
