Thursday, February 03, 2011

Winter War 38 - 2011

Well, I've written about it a bit, but I figured I'd post some pictures from the convention we attended this past weekend, Winter War 38.

Some of the pictures are a touch blurry. As you've seen from some of the clothing pics, I'm NOT the best photographer. If it goes much beyond point and shoot, I'm about useless. Hand me a video camera, on the other hand...


Some games going on in the main room on Friday Afternoon.

More games, same day, with the added bonus of someone browsing at our booth!

Now, Friday night games have begun.
Another random Friday night shot from our booth.

Early stages of a game of Power Grid. The guy running this magnified the board and uses different colored touch lights to determine ownership of power rights. Way Cool!

Close-up of the same stage.

Later on, with more lights.

As the game plays on, the board gets both prettier AND more headache-inducing.

A shot of a *PARTIAL* layout of a big Space Hulk game.

A couple of Genestealers menacing some Space Marines.

A swarm of 'Nids looking for juicy, bio-engineered humans! We taste just like chicken to them! Honest!

Overview of the Blind Sniper map. The various pop can tabs are objectives. Sometimes, GMs get so "cheap" with the materials they use. (Guilty).

Robo-Rally... A great little game of spatial relationships and destruction.

Some of the Gophers playing Le Boomb on a Saturday night!

Some more Robo-Rally...

Looks a little different than before, hmmmm....

That's because they're playing it on a giant cube! How cool is that?


Not certain what game was going on here, but it looked neat!

One Tom Reed's always-enjoyable Desperado games.

This is Rockville, which was invaded by Zombies, Aliens, and Mutants all in the same day!


These are some of the other dealers we see each year at our convention. For many of us, it's the only time we get together. Many times we trade customer stories and business strategies, but mostly, we just have a good time reconnecting.
This is Elaine Oldham, one of our local artist friends.

Paul Hassebrock from Mecca-Anime (Springfield, IL) at his booth. Great guy!

Scott Thorne from Castle Perilous (Carbondale, IL). Scott was my FLGS owner when I went to school at Southern Illinois University. He's still at it, and it's great to see him each year. I've learned a great deal from watching Scott and his operation grow over the years.
Sally Kinsinger from the Game Room (Washington, Illinois). Her husband, John, was off wandering. John's dad and stepmother owned the store before John and Sally took over. Dave and Sue are both missed by many long time Winter War attendees, but John and Sally are just as fun!

Pathfinders deep in thought... "Just how DO we kill this thing?"
LFR Players in the back of the CIRCA room.
More Pathfinding... More killing...
DIE DIE DIE!!! Foul creatures!
Different pathfinders... same basic results...

Although it looks like someone is getting flanked by mummies. Bad times... bad times, indeed...
...And this is how we spent our last weekend. Selling games and reconnecting with friends new and old. Jealous yet?

peace... GopherDave

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